The Courageous Fast

Charles Iruobe

19 Posts Published


February 21, 2019


TRANSITION OF POWER                                        



I hear the Lord saying; a generation was born in the wilderness and another generation died in the wilderness. The generation born in the wilderness became a rising generation that crossed into My Promised Land. Yet, along with the generation that crossed, I preserved some from an earlier generation who carried My Spirit and My mantle and passed it on to the generation born in the wilderness. I will draw both together again; a new rising generation and an earlier generation with a different spirit, to form My emerging Army. I will bring a supernatural linking, binding and passing of mantles between both generations. I will bring about a transition of spiritual power. I will raise up a new administration. I will restore the prophetic and apostolic mantles upon My emerging Army. They shall be My light, My catalyst and My forerunners to usher in a new season. I will demonstrate My power in a new way. I will challenge established roles. I will bring a new and sweeping move of My Spirit upon My emerging Army. They will burn with a holy fire. I will ignite through them a revival of prayer, of holiness, of passion. They will not be bought by the lure of success or money and will be radically committed to Me.



Then the word of the Lord came to Samuel: “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions….” 1Sam.15:10-11


When Saul became king, He was God’s choice for the time. Though he was head and shoulders taller than everyone, Saul was humble. But by the end of his reign, things had gone radically wrong. God’s hand had clearly lifted off Saul. He had become a hysterical, spear-throwing king, attempting to murder David and his own son Jonathan.


Saul in his desperation visited a witch because he could no longer access the mind of God. Like Saul, we can begin with humility and gratitude to God but we can end up missing God and becoming resistant to His next move. Saul had abandoned any practice of waiting on God for direction. If we do not seek the Lord, we will resort to human wisdom and like Saul, we will be deceived by familiar spirits.


Saul should have accepted Goliath’s challenge. He was king and Israel’s tallest man. Instead, he offered his armor to the 17 year old shepherd boy. As God raises men and women whose hearts are tender like David, we must beware of becoming like Saul, a shadow of what we used to be, yet maintaining the visibility of a ‘head and shoulder’ stature and holding on to a mere title.


Rather than supporting and encouraging the man who would become king, Saul was overtaken by jealousy and wanted to destroy David. Yet, David had two opportunities to kill Saul but refused to hasten his own rise to the throne by taking Saul’s life.


Like David, in seasons of transition, we will have the opportunity to push things in what we consider to be the right direction. However, the spiritual man or woman must resist manipulating things in the flesh for their own gain. It was almost 15 years between the time David was anointed by Samuel and when he became king. When we walk with God, we have to understand that it is what is arising that He is protecting and not what is passing away. For God, the issue was not ending Saul’s reign, it was getting David ready.



  • Requires courage.
  • An invitation to spend more time with God.
  • A time to release the past.
  • A time to embrace God’s new agenda.
  • A time of preparation for new things.



Spirit Break Out by William McDowell




1Sam. 15:12-29

Daniel 2:21

Deut 32:7

Written by Charles Iruobe

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