
19 Posts Published


February 17, 2020



“The time of my unlocking is here. I place strategic keys in your hands to unlock and to release. I am unlocking the things that have restricted you and you will be released into the greater plans that I have for you. My unexpected provision is coming to you. I am unlocking and releasing My provision and My resources. This unlocking will release My people into the assignments I have for them. Be open to My Spirit. Be open to the way I will bring provision in. I will move in new and unexpected ways. Be discerning and see the way I am leading. As you follow My leading, My provision would be found in My path. I will release My Angels to align you in the path that would bring your unlocking. I am breaking the shackles that have held you bound. Walk in My hope, My purpose and My faith. Just as I unlock things in the lives of My people, so I am unlocking and releasing the plans I have for regions and nations. You will see and be astounded. Get ready to step into the plans I have for you”.


“Elisha said, “Listen! God’s word! The famine’s over. This time tomorrow food will be plentiful—a handful of meal for a shekel; two handfuls of grain for a shekel. The market at the city gate will be buzzing.” 2Kings 7:1  (MSG)

Israel had been at war with neighboring Syria. Samaria, the capital of Israel was under siege from the Syrian army. The siege was unrelenting. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months. Food reserves ran out and people were starving to death. A severe famine had set in. A dead donkey’s head and bird droppings were selling as food at exorbitant prices. Things were bad, and discouragement was at an all-time high. There seemed to be no way out as people turned to cannibalism, eating their children to survive. Had God abandoned Israel?

In the midst of the bleak situation, Elisha spoke a word. He said, “In 24 hours, food would sell at rock bottom prices and the economy will turn around”. When Elisha spoke, there was no indication that anything could happen even within a year. But Elisha was God’s prophet. He had seen something; a new day for Israel. There’s a coming new tomorrow was Elisha’s message. Like Elisha, we also must prophecy and declare the dawn of a new era. In spite of the natural challenges, we must proclaim the new things God is set to do. As God’s prophetic people, we must speak into our own lives, speak over our families, proclaim the revival that is coming to the Church, and speak positively regarding the Nation. We must become ‘hope dealers’ offering the hope we have in Christ to a world in despair. The hope of a better tomorrow.

Four lepers regarded as outcasts, sat at the gates of the city as Elisha was prophesying. They were not present when Elisha spoke, but destiny was calling out to them, just as it calls to you today. In the midst of the biting famine, they queried, “why sit here and die? “Why live with this situation till we perish?” Then they took a decision that turned their lives around. They arose and moved towards the camp of the enemy, not knowing what would befall them. They said, “what’s the worst that can happen? The enemy may kill us but we will die stepping out.” Like Esther, they said, “If we perish, we perish. Let’s go forward”. Neither the siege from the Syrians nor their leprosy was enough reason for them to accept the status quo.

As they shuffled away from the gates of Samaria into the unknown, God amplified the sounds of their footsteps. The Syrian army thought they heard the sound of a mighty army, and fled in a hurry. The lepers arrived at the enemy’s camp and were surprised to find a great plunder of food, drinks, silver and gold, and not a Syrian soldier in sight. They returned to Samaria spreading the good news of the mighty breakthrough to the people of Israel.


You will never experience the fullness of God’s plan for your life until you take radical steps of faith. Faith pleases God. No one was on the road to cheer the lepers on, but they kept moving. God used their faith to change the circumstances around the whole nation.  Keep on moving!


Only You Jesus 


2Kings 7:5-11 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2Kings+7%3A5-11+&version=MSG

Job 42:1-2 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Job+42%3A1-2+&version=MSG

Luke 1:37 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Luke+1%3A37+&version=MSG


Pastor Tony Rapu

Written by Dave

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