Tony Rapu


The Courageous Fast

The Courageous Fast

DON’T JUST RUSH OUT!                                                   


But the children of Israel committed a trespass regarding the accursed things, for Achan the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took of the accursed things; so the anger of the Lord burned against the children of Israel. Joshua 7: 1(NIV)


Israel had just won a resounding victory at Jericho. The walls of the city had come crumbling down. Everyone was excited and Joshua was being celebrated as a great leader. The previous chapter had ended with Joshua’s fame spreading across the country. Now the Israelites were ready to conquer the next city, Ai. It was a much smaller city than Jericho and its defeat would open up more territory in the Promised Land.


It was going to be a walk over, they assumed. If Jericho could fall, Ai would be no match for Israel. But the Israelites were soundly defeated by the soldiers of Ai in the ensuing battle. Joshua had sent out some men to do a reconnaissance. Upon their return, instead of making a simple report, they took it upon themselves to recommend the policy they thought best for defeating Ai. Yet, unknown to Joshua and everyone else, God was already angry with Israel because of the sin of Achan. Though the crime was committed by one person, the whole nation was considered guilty.


Oblivious of Achan’s sin, Joshua was eager to move forward and take more territory. Being a little too self-confident, resting too much on the victory at Jericho, Joshua failed to take time to get alone with God to inquire of Him about the strategy for Ai. He simply resorted to doing what his men asked him to. If Joshua had spent time with God, he would have realized something was wrong and could have dealt with it first.


How often are we like Joshua! Maybe because we’re workaholics and so action-oriented, usually activity driven or too eager to be successful; we sometimes fail to take time to draw near to the Lord. We often fail to draw on His resources and put on the full armour of God. We rush off on our own, overestimating ourselves, yet defenseless against the enemy. We end up operating in our own strength and wisdom to our detriment.



Never overestimate yourself.

Never underestimate the enemy.

Never rush into a battle without the full facts.

Never presume you know it all.

Nothing escapes the eyes of the Lord.

Times of success are times we need to be on guard.

Times of victory are times for renewed caution.




Lord, help me realize that waiting on You is not just a passive activity but the source of my strength; that You are the strength of my life; my Wisdom and my Help in time of trouble; my Guide through all the seasons of life.



♬We Wait by Juanita Bynum




Numbers 27:18-21


Luke 14:31



The Courageous Fast

PREPARE FOR WAR!                                                


When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them, because the Lord your God, who brought you up out of Egypt, will be with you. When you are about to go into battle, the priest shall come forward and address the army. He shall say: “Hear, Israel: Today you are going into battle against your enemies. Do not be fainthearted or afraid; do not panic or be terrified by them.” Deut.20:1-3(NIV)


God had asked the Israelites to enter their Land of Promise and dispossess the current inhabitants. But these were going to be nations stronger than them, more equipped and larger in number than the Israelites. Knowing that this would appear a rather tall order and constitute a problem as they marched out to engage these fierce Canaanite armies, God gave them regulations concerning their warfare.


No matter the odds and no matter how insurmountable things looked, the first thing God told them was “DO NOT BE AFRAID.” Once you allow fear to grip your heart you’ve already lost the battle. God told them why they didn’t need to be afraid. It was simply that He was going to be with them. The promise of God’s presence was the key. It is the same with us today. We must carry the presence of God with us into the battles of life. His presence gives us the assurance that we can take on any giant.


Life in a real world means that people will constantly rise up against us. There will be all sorts of attacks. There will be constant opposition and the enemy will always attempt to distract and derail us from the purposes of God. But no matter what people may plot against you, their assaults cannot stop God’s plan. Their poison will not stop God’s purpose. God told Israel not to be terrified, not to panic, that He would be there to give them victory. God is bigger than any attack, God is stronger than any weapon formed against us and God is infinitely wiser than any adversary we may face. If God’s Presence is with you, then your victory is certain!



The key to each battle was that the priest was there to hear from God and come forward to address the people. It was the priest who received revelation from God concerning every situation.


Today, as a child of God, you are a priest. It means God has given you access directly into His presence and you can receive revelation for every situation. It means you can find assurance and comfort in knowing that God is with you.


God has promised never to leave you or forsake you and the promise of His Presence carries with it the promise of His protection and preservation. This is the season to cultivate the Presence of God.




♬Holy Spirit You Are Welcome Here by Kim Walker Smith





Numbers 14:41-45


1 Peter 2: 9


The Courageous Fast
The Courageous Fast

The Courageous Fast

RECEIVE COURAGE                                                      



I hear the Spirt of the Lord say He is taking us deeper in prayer, that we may birth the things God has in store for us. There is an increasing agitation in the spirit realm. The water is about to break. Delivery is around the corner. Yet the dragon rages and attempts to stifle that which is yet to come. But I hear the Spirit of God say Be strong. Be focused. Be courageous. There are yet dreams and visions that are to come forth. New and uncharted territories await you. There are yet doors we must enter in to. The harvest awaits. It is not the time to be weary and give up. Rise above the warfare. Rise beyond the distractions. It is a time to push so you can see the fulfillment of all I have in store for you.



“And David was greatly distressed; for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God”. 1Sam 30:6


David and his men were living in the Philistine town of Ziklag at this time. He had been on an expedition with his men for a couple of days, away from home. They arrived back home in Ziklag, only to find that a band of Amalekite raiders had come to Ziklag and found the town with only women and children.  They easily attacked Ziklag, burned it to the ground and took the women and children captive. David and his men arrived to find their town burned to ruins and their families gone.


David had killed lions and bears. He had killed Goliath with a sling and a stone. He had escaped attempts from Saul to kill him, but this was possibly his greatest challenge. His family, and the families of all his men, were gone. They imagined what could be happening to their wives and daughters and their anger boiled. Their lives fell apart overnight and the men blamed David. They wanted to stone David.


David himself was heartbroken and physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. This would have been too much for the average man to handle. But David was not average; neither is any of us in Christ supposed to be. Remember the greater the assignment, the greater the attack from the enemy. The enemy was doing all he could to stop David from becoming king of Israel.


David had a great assignment from God and no matter what happened he was determined to get there. He had nowhere to look except up and that was what he did. There, inside the ruins of Ziklag and in the midst of his woes, David found the courage to strengthen himself in God. That was the beginning of his breakthrough and restoration.




Fear will tell you to give up.

Fear will tell you that you can’t make it.

Fear will make you want to blame God for your negative circumstances.

Fear will tell you that there is nothing you can do.



Like David, let’s receive courage to seek God; courage to hear from God and courage to act upon what He tells you to do.



Take Courage by Kristene DiMarco



Psalm 20:7-8

Deut. 31:6

Isaiah 41:10-13



The Courageous Fast

BE A BELIEVER, NOT A DOUBTER                                       


We even saw giants there, the descendants of Anak. Next to them we felt like grasshoppers, and that’s what they thought, too!” Numbers 13: 33 (NLT)


When you pray for a job and God gives you an assurance about a particular position you’ve believed for, what would your next steps be? Do you sit at home without actually applying for the job or updating your résumé? Do you assume that since you have peace about the job, the employers will supernaturally locate your home and phone number and drive there to offer you the position on a platter of gold? God has a part to play and you have a part to play as well.


The Israelites had a part to play in taking possession of the Promised Land. After God’s declaration that the land was theirs, they needed to go into the land and take it. God’s plan was to provide supernatural help as they took action. God desires many things for us as well but the possession of His desire for our lives will require action from us. When the 12 spies went to spy out the land, God’s intention was to give them an insight into how good the land was. This was their land and His best for them. But 10 spies came back and said ‘No’ when God already said ‘Yes’. They were afraid. Fear caused them to miss the very best God had for them. It happened to them and it can happen to us.  If we ever come to a place where we know what God wants for us but we’re called to take action, then we must protect ourselves from doubt. Two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb believed God and their faith in God sustained them for 40 years in the wilderness, while they waited for the right timing to step out again.


What God did for Joshua and Caleb, He can do for you. This is the time to flood your mind with thoughts of victory and success, expansion and greatness. Remember David and Goliath and Gideon’s 300[1], remember the 3 Hebrew boys and King Nebuchadnezzar[2] and let your faith in God cancel out the doubts that lead to fear. If God could feed 5,000 with a small boy’s lunch, He can as well provide for you. If he healed the woman who was bleeding for 12 years, He can deal with your medical issues. If He could use 12 ordinary men to turn the world upside down and change the course of history, He can use you to do great things!



Fear has no power over me. I set my face towards my Promised Land and declare that the giants are bread for me. The Lord is with me and I step out in faith today.




Ps. 18:29

Heb. 11:8-12

Isaiah 8:13



♬My Trust is in You


The Courageous Fast
The Courageous Fast  

The Courageous Fast  

Expect Some Amazing Things                                                  

Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5 (NIV)


We’ve been asking God to do some really amazing things in our lives in 2019. We’ve been asking for the move of His presence and His power. But we sometimes miss the amazing things God does. Joshua was finally getting ready to lead the people into the future they had being waiting for, for a long time. That was when God commanded Joshua to tell everyone to consecrate themselves. In effect God was saying “Why don’t you prepare yourselves because I am going to do some incredible things in your midst and I don’t want you to miss it”.


Consecration was an essential part of the preparation process to enter the Promised Land. To be “consecrated” is to be set apart, to be dedicated for a special purpose. To the Israelites, this involved having a wash and changing their clothes. This act represented an awareness of their uncleanness before a holy God, and washing symbolized a fresh beginning in relating with God.  This was significant because Jehovah, the Holy One, was among them. What distinguished Israel from other nations was the presence of God. As His people, they were to reflect His nature and live by His laws to show others the benefits of having Him as King.


Consecrating oneself was an external act that displayed readiness for the plan and will of God. Today, our consecration is an internal work of separation and commitment to God through the act of seeking Him in prayer and meditation; to bring our hearts into a place where we are prepared to receive the Lord in faith and reverence, expecting Him to do the amazing things He has promised.


Notice how confident Joshua was in his proclamation that God was certain to do wonderful things. There was no doubt in his mind that God would perform a miracle on their behalf. In the same way, let’s get ready for some really amazing things this year. Maybe it’s time to stop browsing some sites on the internet or perhaps to review some toxic relationships we are in. Or maybe God is asking you to set yourself apart one way or the other from the world.


I want to challenge you to ask God what you need to do today to consecrate yourself for the amazing things He has planned for the days ahead.



Lord, I declare that you are everything to me. I consecrate myself to you. Deliver me from sin and the works of the flesh. I cannot live without your presence.



♬Change my heart oh God



Ps 24: 3- 5

2 Cor. 7:1




The Courageous Fast

Strength and Courage

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Moses who led the Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness had just died. Joshua, Moses’ former aide and now the leader of the Israelites, has just been charged by God to lead His people into the Promised Land. To say that Joshua faced a daunting task would be an understatement. Before him were fortified cities, “giants in the land,” a flooded Jordan River, and a generation of Israelites who grew up wandering in the wilderness. It was at this moment that God spoke to Joshua: “Be strong and courageous.” Joshua needed to heed God’s instruction if he was to have any chance of entering into the inheritance that God prepared. Like Joshua, we too need the strength to lay hold of all of the promises that God has given us for 2019 and the courage to step into new things. Even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, we do not have to be afraid because God has assured us that He will be with us every step of the way to help us overcome any difficulty we may face. Always remember it is not because situations are perfect we step out, nor because conditions are right we make a move. We walk by faith and with great courage.


  • Pray for God to strengthen your heart in the days ahead.
  • Pray for continuous boldness and a courageous attitude as you step out every day knowing that God is with you.
  • Pray for grace and the commitment to complete the fast.



No Longer Slaves




The Courageous Fast

Social Media And The Church


There is nothing that perhaps captures the zeitgeist of the age or the spirit of our times like the phenomenal rise to prominence of social media. Suddenly, everywhere we turn, we are struck by the pervasiveness of social media platforms. It is no longer a sign of being hip or being cool to be on Facebook or Twitter or LinkedIn.

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Social Media And The Church

#FATHERSDAY2016: Letter to My Daughters

Dear Uju and Kene,


On Father’s Day last year, I wrote a letter to your brother, hoping that even if he didn’t read it at the time, someday he would refer to it. This Father’s Day, I am also sharing words of encouragement with you, in the hope that they would be helpful now or when you need them in the future. Even though the world celebrates Father’s Day every June, I celebrate being your father every day of the year.

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#FATHERSDAY2016: Letter to My Daughters