Tony Rapu

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2020 Fearless Fast Devotional – Day 4


“When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Matt 14:26-27 (NIV).

It had been a long day. John the Baptist had just been murdered, so Jesus decided to get away from everyone and have some quiet time alone with the Father. He told his disciples to get into a boat and go to the other side of the lake. Then He dismissed the crowd and went up to the mountainside to pray. Later that evening, Jesus wanted to catch up with His disciples. Not having a boat, He walked on the water to get to them. Jesus was displaying the power of spiritual laws over natural laws. He lived His life as an example of what is possible for us in this life. We too can operate in the supernatural.

Meanwhile, it was now about 3:00 am, and a violent storm had arisen. The storm was so vicious that the disciples began to despair. The issue now was not how to cross to the other side, it was how to stay alive. It had been busy for the disciples ministering with Jesus, they were exhausted, and only now to experience an intense storm. Meanwhile, it was Jesus who sent them on this journey. The boat ride was His idea. They were where they were supposed to be. They were not outside of the will of God, yet, they were battling a storm in the middle of the night.

This is a reminder that we would all face challenges from time to time. The disciples were learning, like all of us are, that when we walk with God, we encounter storms of life. Doing the right thing does not guarantee us a storm-free life, but it gives us the right to stand on the promises of God in the midst of the storm. The storms may come, but we have the ability to ride through untouched and unaffected.

However, the disciples had not yet built their capacity at this time to trust God fully. When they saw Jesus walking on the lake, they were afraid, thinking they had seen a ghost. Jesus immediately said to them “Do not be afraid, take courage. I am here!”. We don’t know how eleven disciples responded, but one of them, Peter, was fearless on that stormy night. He said, “Lord, if it is you, ask me to come into the water”.


  1. God loves to reveal Himself in the midst of the storms of life. He was about to reveal His divine power and presence to the disciples. These moments are called ‘defining moments’, when God shows Himself in the midst of difficult situations. In these defining moments, God may call us to do extraordinary things, and if we can only believe and respond appropriately, we would experience the power of God. Life is full of these defining moments. Sometimes, it could be a financial crisis, separation or divorce, or maybe a legal problem. Family squabbles, a runaway child, a pregnant daughter, or a son on drugs, can be very major storms. The opportunities these defining moments provide can be missed, because their timings are usually unexpected, the conditions like on the boat that night, are never right, and we are usually very fearful.
  2. Fear usually deprives us of God’s perspective in these situations. The disciples were obviously in a panic. There was confusion, doubt and unbelief on that boat that night, yet, Peter the man who could hear God in the midst of the storm, was about to experience something extraordinary. He recognized a defining moment to touch God for himself. He recognized a moment for spiritual growth and adventure. It was an extraordinary opportunity to do something very radical in the midst of the storm. 


Lord, I choose to walk in faith and not in fear. Help me to recognize the defining moments in my life as seasons of growth and adventure.

Further study




2020 Fearless Fast Devotional – Day 3


“Don’t be ridiculous!” Saul replied. “There’s no way you can fight this Philistine and possibly win! You’re only a boy, and he’s been a man of war since his youth.” 1 Samuel 17:33 (NLT).

Goliath had threatened Israel for 40 days. David arrives on the scene and is determined to fight Goliath. He engages some soldiers who had direct access to Saul, the King of Israel, in conversation. The soldiers took it upon themselves to let the King know that someone was enquiring about taking up the challenge to fight Goliath. After 40 straight days of Goliath’s taunts, King Saul was desperate enough to try anything and anyone.

Saul had an entire army that was petrified, yet the 17-year-old shepherd boy was fearless. He knew that God was with him. As David stood before the King, Saul looked at him and said, “You don’t have a chance against this man, he has been a fighter from his youth”. This was where “the rubber hit the road”. David had a choice to make. Either he was going to believe what Saul said or what he knew God would do.

Many believers, especially after an inspiring ‘crossover’ service, start out the new year with faith and determination, but then, in comes the barrage of negative reports. It may be about the downturn of the economy, some family problems, maybe some difficulty at work or some other issue. This is where faith goes out the window because we begin to focus on the problems around us and allow discouragement to slip in. Maybe you are one of those constantly anticipating bad news. You live in dread of what could go wrong next. Perhaps you are one of those who pick up your phone calls afraid of what you might hear. Or you are constantly anxious about your children or loved ones, always fearing some negative news concerning them. You may be someone who panics about situations you feel you have no control over. David was bombarded with negative news about Goliath, yet he chose to remain fearless.

David countered Saul’s negativity with his personal testimony of how God delivered him from the lion and the bear. His past victories became a platform from where he could launch into his future success. It was the power of David’s testimony that paved the way for him and made Saul say, “Go ahead, and may the Lord be with you!”.

To-do List

  1. To overcome fear, you have to overcome discouragement. David chose to ignore the threats of Goliath, the discouraging words from his brother, Eliab and from King Saul. Shift your focus away from negative comments and look to God’s faithfulness.
  2. Establish some ‘mental altars’. Whenever God did something mighty for Israel, they built an altar as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. Generations later, they would visit that altar. David reminded himself of how God delivered him from the lion and the bear. These mental altars provided him the encouragement he needed for this fight. What has God already done for you?
  3. God wants you to be fearless. The little shepherd boy anointed by God did the seemingly impossible and ran towards Goliath. Take a step of faith today regardless of the Goliath facing you. Get your sling and stone, God will give you the victory.


Lord, I overcome discouragement and fear. I know how good you have been to me. You have kept me thus far, and I know you will preserve me in the days ahead.

Further Study

Hebrews 11:32-34

Joshua 1:8-9

1 Samuel 17:20-58





2020 Fearless Fast Devotional – Day 2

This is what the Lord says:

The wait is over, and your drought is over too. Your season of dryness, barrenness and desolation has come to an end. I will cause you to reap publicly what you have sown in private. You have anticipated My breakthrough and your prayers to be answered, but there was little to show for it. You felt at times that your prayer had fallen on deaf ears. Not so My child, for in this new season and era, I declare that your drought is over. My rain will come upon you. My rain will soften the soil so you can plough and sow seeds. My rain will bring nourishment so that the plants in your life will begin to breed new life. New life is ready to break and spring forth. My rain from heaven will quench your thirst as you drink of it. My rain will bring purification, divine satisfaction and breakthrough in every dry, barren and desolate place in your life.”



“Elijah was afraid and fled for his life. He went to Beersheba, a town in Judah, and he left his servant there”. 1 Kings 19:3 (NLT).

Elijah, the servant of God had confronted King Ahab. He spoke a word and shut up heaven and it did not rain for three and a half years. Then Elijah stood up against 850 false prophets. He had them all executed after God answered his prayer by releasing fire on mount Carmel.

After the fire, Elijah prayed, and the rain finally came down after years of drought. Then King Ahab went and told his wife, Jezebel, what Elijah had done, and how Elijah had killed all her prophets. Jezebel had influenced King Ahab into embracing idol worship. Now that her false prophets were dead, Elijah had started a revival and Jezebel’s powers were diminished over the nation. In anger, she sent a message to Elijah saying, “you killed my prophets, now I am going to kill you and I pray the gods punish me even more severely if I do not do it by this time tomorrow”. Her message was clear, Elijah had only 24 hours to live.

You would have thought that Elijah could deal with this situation having survived the three and a half years of famine. He was doing what God had called him to do. He had called down fire and rain. However, the Bible says that Elijah was afraid and ran for his life. The same man that had operated like a warrior was now acting like a weakling. The former champion was now on the run like a coward.

Points to Ponder

  1. Elijah had done many great things yet fear still gripped his heart. Fear can raise its ugly head at any time, so beware.
  2. No one is exempt from fear. If fear could grip Elijah’s heart after doing many great things for God, then it is obvious that fear can grip our hearts as well. Guard your heart.
  3. Fear is relentless. The enemy never gives up and uses fear as a weapon. Do not give in to fear.

Plan of Action

  1. Go to God with your fears

We can ask God for His strength and peace. David faced many frightening situations. After escaping one terrifying incident in the midst of the Philistine territory, he wrote, “I sought the LORD, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4).

  1. Grow in Faith

The Bible is full of stories of people who grew to believe that God would do exactly what He promises. Their trust in God helped them face their fears and act in faith. Like the faithful people of old, we should focus on the positive future God has in store for us. If we focus on God’s Word and His promises, and not on the temporary circumstances, we will increase our faith and decrease our fear.


Dear Lord, because you are with me, I do not have to be afraid. You rescue me from every enemy. I don’t have to live as a slave to my fears.

Further Study

Psalm 27: 1-6

Isaiah 40: 29-31

1 Kings 18:1-40


My trust is in you

2020 Fearless Fast Devotional – Day 1


He said, “I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid.” Gen 3:10 (MSG)

When God made man, He said, “let us make man in our own image and likeness and let them rule”. God’s original intent has not changed. He still wants us to operate in dominion, authority and power. God placed Adam in the garden and gave him work to do; it was to take care of the garden. All of Adam’s needs were met. God then created Eve and brought her to Adam. Adam had a great relationship with God and a thriving relationship with another human, Eve. The Bible says both were naked and felt no shame. There was no shame, no guilt, no doubt and no fear. Adam and Eve were in perfect union with God and with each other.

This was and still is God’s desire for us; union with Him and fellowship with others and then together we go on to change the world. However, Satan deceived Adam and Eve. They ate the fruit in disobedience to God and their eyes were opened. It was at this point that they began to walk in the flesh, and the environment began to dominate them. Then they covered themselves with leaves and hid from God when they heard Him come into the garden. Adam said “I heard you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked. And I hid”. This is the first mention of fear in the Bible and it came as a result of sin and separation from God. Since then, all kinds of fears have plagued humans, all because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve.

What does this mean?

This means you have a choice to make today. The fear of rejection drives us to hide. The fear of failure stops us from taking up challenges and the fear of the unknown stops us from stepping out of our comfort zone. Fear is an incapacitating force. Fear can stop the strongest person in their tracks. Some are afraid that they might never get married or they may not succeed in life. Others are afraid that they may die. Many others walk daily in the torment that fear brings. Fear often keeps us from doing the things that we should.

Is there someone you need to talk to today? Is there a new assignment you need to take on? A trip you need to make? Some conversation that needs to be had? Are there issues you need to deal with? Do not allow fear to keep you from fulfilling your purpose. Jesus came that we might live life fully. Do not let fear keep you from enjoying life in Christ.

Jesus paid the price for Adam’s sin when He died on the cross. Through His sacrifice, we are restored to a thriving relationship with God. We can walk in dominion, in power and in authority. Our call is either to accept Jesus’ finished work on the cross and live the fearless life, or like Adam and Eve after the fall, accept the position of separation from God and live a fearful and defeated life.


  1. With God on my side, I am fearless, and afraid of no one and nothing.
  2. I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears.
  3. God is my refuge and my strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, I will not fear.


May we all have the courage to dare to do the big things and even the small things God is calling us to do. God calls us to courage and confidence in Him. My prayer for you is that you will live a fearless life in Christ.

Further Study

Psalms23: 4

Psalms 56: 3

Romans 8:15

Psalm 27:1


All that matters

Abuse in The Light of The Gospel


From child sexual assault to domestic violence to workplace harassment, abuse destroys countless lives. New stories filled with allegations of sexual abuse or assault by leaders and prominent persons continue to emerge. The #MeToo phenomenon has drawn significant attention to an issue that many are afraid to talk about. Only recently, some young girls spoke out against abuse by young Nigerian boys in UK universities, when they conducted a walk around the Bourdillon, Ikoyi area to bring attention to this issue. This negative trend is now impacting people in our churches and those we are trying to reach with the message of the Kingdom.

I believe many churches desire to get it right on this issue but often do not get involved because leadership may lack the competence to address the problem. Many lack the confidence to address sexual abuse because they don’t feel adequately equipped to handle the complexities involved. Others do not have sufficient training to address the challenges of sexual or even domestic abuse matters throw up. We need to understand how this issue of sexual abuse can be addressed in the light of the Gospel:

  1. Caring for survivors:

Protecting and caring for others was a priority of Jesus Christ in His life and it should be for us today. The effect of sexual abuse cannot be overlooked or minimised. The trauma experienced by a survivor of sexual abuse should drive us to compassionate ministry. Many have never told anyone and I believe when they do, they need to be met with support and care as a first response. Because it is difficult to share, we must be sensitive even to delayed, vague or partial disclosure. Even in cases where it is still an allegation, survivors should still be supported as many innocent victims who have hitherto been shamed into silence are encouraged to voice their pain. There is no quick fix to this trauma. So we need to work patiently, not shaming the survivors, but allowing time for grief. If we do not respond appropriately to issues of abuse, we will end up bringing greater pain that traumatize the individuals, and we would never be able to effectively address this issue.

  1. Confronting sin:

We must call sexual abuse sin. Since we understand God’s design for sexuality, it will be sad if the world were more willing than the Church to name and address the issue of sexual abuse. Sexuality was created by God for our good. When we understand the beauty of what God designed, we can appreciate the devastating effects of sexual abuse. We cannot ignore or cover the matter. Properly dealing with sin like this reflects what we believe about God and the Gospel. When prominent personalities in the world do not offer apologies for their actions, it provides a backdrop for the Church to discuss what genuine repentance should look like. Confronting sin means we are being honest when things go wrong in the Church. We must evaluate what went wrong in order to make appropriate changes in situations of abuse. It is never late to do the right thing.

  1. Seeking justice:

Abuse is not just a sin. It is also against the law in many countries. As we have seen in cases globally where there is an attempt to cover up abuse, it is usually in a bid to avoid a scandal. Unfortunately, this produces a system that empowers and protects abusers and in the end it is the abused, particularly minors, who suffer. We need to be more concerned about dealing with sexual abuse in a way that cares for survivors and demonstrates justice rather than with the fear of what a scandal might produce. We must recognize sexual abuse as a sin but also something that goes beyond the jurisdiction of the Church. This is where many organisations make a mistake by trying to handle sexual assault allegations internally. Some have blamed survivors, even those who were children at the time of the abuse and have often pressurised them to forgive rather than seek justice. There is a sense of not wanting other people to know. We don’t want to air our dirty laundry in public. But we must never pressure survivors into forgiveness. Yes, we do need forgiveness; but we must not use forgiveness to undermine the severity of sexual abuse and keep survivors quiet.

  1. Protecting the vulnerable:

We must look for ways to improve our effort to prevent and stop abuse. We can protect the vulnerable through sexual abuse awareness training. We need to demonstrate that the Church is a safe place both in preventing abuse, protecting the vulnerable, and getting help for those abused. We have a God who cares for the vulnerable and hears their cries. We as His people should be like Him. The Church should be the place where victims of sexual assault find help and hope. Training on how to identify sexual abuse and respond to survivors will help members navigate this difficult topic in a Christ-centered approach. We have a long way to go in not shaming the abused. We have been too afraid of being attacked by outsiders and too focused on maintaining our image. The truth is that addressing sexual abuse gives us the opportunity to acknowledge our sins and our need of a Saviour. It also demonstrates the nature of God to a broken world.

The Courageous Fast

PROPHECY Prepare For The Rain

This is what the Lord says: “Lift your eyes and see that which I am about to do. There have been days of strange warfare. There have been days of deep yearnings. There have been long seasons of pleading. But hear the sound of My abundance of rain. Prepare for the heavy rain. Let your hunger for what you hear come as intercession before Me. Birth the new day with Me. You have awaited My cloud to rise out of the sea. Now it will begin to arise. Do not allow the clouds of distraction and disappointment to say My cloud is not coming. Now is the time of My rain. Ask Me for the rain.”


THE WORD – Don’t Just Sit There; Do Something!

“Elisha said, “Listen! God’s word! The famine’s over. This time tomorrow food will be plentiful—a handful of meal for a shekel; two handfuls of grain for a shekel. The market at the city gate will be buzzing.” 2Kings 7:1 (MSG)


Israel was at war with its neighbor Syria. Samaria, the capital of Israel was under siege from the king of Syria. The siege led to a severe famine. Weeks turned into months. Food reserves ran out and people were starving to death. A donkey’s head and bird dung were selling at exorbitant prices. Things were so bad that people were turning to cannibalism to avoid death. It looked like God had abandoned Israel.

In the midst of the bleak situation, Elisha the prophet gives a word that the economy will pick up within 24 hours. And instead of famine, food will be sold at rock bottom prices. At the time Elisha spoke, there was no indication that anything could happen even within a year. There’s a coming new tomorrow was Elisha’s message. He was announcing a new day and prophesying access into new opportunities.

Four lepers sat at the gates of the city. Leprosy represented a hopeless condition and lepers were seen as outcasts. They were not there when Elisha spoke but destiny was calling out to them just as it calls to us today. They said “why sit here and die?”

To sit is to settle or to rest. They asked; “why live with this situation till we perish?” Then they took a decision that turned their lives around. They arose and moved towards the camp of the enemy not knowing what would befall them. They said; “what’s the worst that can happen? The enemy may kill us but we will die trying.” Let’s do something. Let’s go forward. Leprosy was not enough reason for them to sit and die.

Once they ventured into the unknown, away from the predictable and towards uncertainty, they discovered that God had already taken care of the enemy. The only thing awaiting them was a feast. As they marched through the night, God amplified the sound of their footsteps. The Syrian army heard what sounded like a mighty multitude of soldiers and fled. The lepers arrived at the enemy’s camp to find a great plunder of food, drinks, silver and gold. They returned to the city of Samaria as evangelists, spreading the good news of the mighty breakthrough to the people of Israel.

When a man or woman takes a step of faith, God rises to help them. When the lepers moved, it looked like a step in the wrong direction, but God had gone ahead of them. You never know what God has already done on your behalf until you arise. You may never experience God’s plans for you until you take that step of faith. No one saw the lepers’ march of faith. No one was on the road to cheer them on. But God used their faith to change their circumstances and that of a whole nation.


Destiny holds a better tomorrow for anyone willing to move by faith today. When we march by faith, we march towards the dream of a new tomorrow.



♬The Anthem by William Murphy



2Kings 7:5-11

Job 42:1-2

Luke 1:37

The Courageous Fast
The Courageous Fast

The Courageous Fast



Then he said, “Don’t be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day you began to pray for understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your request has been heard in heaven. I have come in answer to your prayer. But for twenty-one days the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael, one of the archangels, came to help me… Dan 10:12-13

Daniel had an encounter with an angel while praying about the future of his people. The dominant power ruling the region at the time was Persia. The angel tells Daniel that from the first day of his 21-day fast, God had sent him with answers to his prayer. However, he was delayed because he had to fight his way through the prince of Persia.

The prince of Persia was not a natural prince, he was a demonic prince. Daniel was unaware there was an invisible battle raging over the entire region. The demonic prince that stopped the angel was a territorial spirit assigned to supervise the satanic activities over the Persian empire. His intention was to stop the angel from getting through to Daniel. The angel was coming to announce the overthrow of the Persian empire and to reveal Israel’s future to Daniel.

As the demonic prince of Persia battled the angel, God sends reinforcement in the person of Archangel Michael. Michael withstands the prince of Persia, and the angel escapes. Intense spiritual warfare was raging behind the scenes. The angel arrives at Daniel’s location, delivers his message from God and informs Daniel that on his return, he will still fight the prince of Persia. After that, he will battle another spiritual enemy called the prince of Greece. The prince of Greece was another of Satan’s mighty demonic princes who directed the satanic activities over Greece.

Shortly after, Persia was replaced by Greece as the next dominant world power. We don’t have full understanding of these things, but behind the scenes directing the affairs of nations are demonic spirits. It may be that there are princes that rule over nations and continents. It seems that events that play out in the earth have a corresponding activity in the spiritual realm. It seems like spiritual warfare rages behind the scene at every level of government.

The news we read about on a daily basis is not just a result of the actions of men, but also reflect the battles going on in the spirit. As Daniel prayed, God began to shift things in the realm of the spirit. God was using Daniel to bring about His will on the earth. We need to see that we are not powerless at all and our prayers are part of a great script being played out.

Like Daniel, we are called to be soldiers in the spiritual battle for the soul of the nation. Instability and agitation in the natural are sometimes the result of the intensity of warfare in the spirit. Daniel required 21 days of fasting to get the breakthrough. Warfare over the nation was fought in a real sense by Daniel in the place of prayer. Our prayers are more powerful than we think and resist the spiritual forces opposed to God’s will.

Be encouraged to stay in the place of prayer. As we wrestle in fasting and prayer, we will witness the release of the power of God with increased angelic activity. We will see God’s will unfold in our lives, our families, our church, our nation and our world.



♬Made A Way by Travis Greene




Psalm 2:1-6

Ephe 6:12

The Courageous Fast

PROPHECY – Wake Up The Warriors!

I hear the Lord say; Wake up the mighty men and women of war. Let them draw near and I will anoint their shields for war. This is a war for you to regain that which was lost. It is for you to take grounds that I have desired but you are yet to enter into. My anointing will bring healing, restoration, and a setting free of those taken captive. The enemy is at war but I anoint you because I have great and mighty victories designed for you. The territory I have designed will come to those who would be of good courage.  Set your mind to be an Army of Courage. My warriors will run towards the sound of battle. I will give you courage to thrive even in the intensity of conflict. Do not be discouraged by opposition or trouble. This is the time to know who you are, Who has sent you and understand the power of My kingdom that you represent. I call out a warrior generation. They will be provoked to action by the evil strongholds that hold men in bondage. They will not live for themselves but for My kingdom.



THE WORD – Fight For Your Family!

“Nothing was missing: young or old, boy or girl, plunder or anything else they had taken. David brought everything back.” 1 Samuel 30:19


Ziklag was David’s home while he was on the run from Saul. It was a little town on the outskirts of Philistine country. David and his men returned from a trip to see their town plundered. A band of Amalekite militants had raided the town and looted their homes. Their houses were set on fire and women and children kidnapped. How terribly devastating it was to the great warriors to discover they had no home nor family on their return.


This is a current strategy of the enemy to distress God’s soldiers. Manipulating the home front becomes an indirect means of manipulating the warriors of the kingdom. No warrior can retain his celebration of victory if he has come home to a devastating defeat. Sometimes, we return from war to meet another battle and our former victories only become meaningful when we get restoration on the home front.


Marriages are under intense pressure. There is a war raging in households across Christendom. Many children are growing up without godly principles upon which they can build their own future families. Children have easily become a target for these evil Amalekite forces.


In the midst of the confusion in Ziklag, David lifted his eyes to God and encouraged himself. This was one battle he could not afford to lose. Despite David encouraging himself in God, his men were still distressed about the loss of their wives and children.


As soon as David was encouraged and with faith at a new level, he knew it was time for action. He enquired of the Lord; “Shall I pursue?” God said “Pursue!” This was all David needed to hear. The word brought clarity as God reassured him; “You will surely overtake and recover everything.”


David immediately pursued the Amalekites, ambushed and attacked them furiously from morning till night.

David’s victory was perfect. Nothing was lost. He and his men got their families back. David successfully went to the camp of the enemy and recovered all that was stolen from him.



The enemy wants to delay and destroy marriages, scatter families and kill the destiny of our children. When the enemy strikes at us, we must be encouraged in God and take action to strike back courageously. Like David we have to vigorously engage the fight on the family front. Stand up for your family and children. Fight for your marriage. Fight for your future.



God is Fighting For Us by Darlene Zschech



Nehemiah 4:14

Hebrews 12:12-13

1 Sam.30:1-20

The Courageous Fast
The Courageous Fast

The Courageous Fast

TRANSITION OF POWER                                        



I hear the Lord saying; a generation was born in the wilderness and another generation died in the wilderness. The generation born in the wilderness became a rising generation that crossed into My Promised Land. Yet, along with the generation that crossed, I preserved some from an earlier generation who carried My Spirit and My mantle and passed it on to the generation born in the wilderness. I will draw both together again; a new rising generation and an earlier generation with a different spirit, to form My emerging Army. I will bring a supernatural linking, binding and passing of mantles between both generations. I will bring about a transition of spiritual power. I will raise up a new administration. I will restore the prophetic and apostolic mantles upon My emerging Army. They shall be My light, My catalyst and My forerunners to usher in a new season. I will demonstrate My power in a new way. I will challenge established roles. I will bring a new and sweeping move of My Spirit upon My emerging Army. They will burn with a holy fire. I will ignite through them a revival of prayer, of holiness, of passion. They will not be bought by the lure of success or money and will be radically committed to Me.



Then the word of the Lord came to Samuel: “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions….” 1Sam.15:10-11


When Saul became king, He was God’s choice for the time. Though he was head and shoulders taller than everyone, Saul was humble. But by the end of his reign, things had gone radically wrong. God’s hand had clearly lifted off Saul. He had become a hysterical, spear-throwing king, attempting to murder David and his own son Jonathan.


Saul in his desperation visited a witch because he could no longer access the mind of God. Like Saul, we can begin with humility and gratitude to God but we can end up missing God and becoming resistant to His next move. Saul had abandoned any practice of waiting on God for direction. If we do not seek the Lord, we will resort to human wisdom and like Saul, we will be deceived by familiar spirits.


Saul should have accepted Goliath’s challenge. He was king and Israel’s tallest man. Instead, he offered his armor to the 17 year old shepherd boy. As God raises men and women whose hearts are tender like David, we must beware of becoming like Saul, a shadow of what we used to be, yet maintaining the visibility of a ‘head and shoulder’ stature and holding on to a mere title.


Rather than supporting and encouraging the man who would become king, Saul was overtaken by jealousy and wanted to destroy David. Yet, David had two opportunities to kill Saul but refused to hasten his own rise to the throne by taking Saul’s life.


Like David, in seasons of transition, we will have the opportunity to push things in what we consider to be the right direction. However, the spiritual man or woman must resist manipulating things in the flesh for their own gain. It was almost 15 years between the time David was anointed by Samuel and when he became king. When we walk with God, we have to understand that it is what is arising that He is protecting and not what is passing away. For God, the issue was not ending Saul’s reign, it was getting David ready.



  • Requires courage.
  • An invitation to spend more time with God.
  • A time to release the past.
  • A time to embrace God’s new agenda.
  • A time of preparation for new things.



Spirit Break Out by William McDowell




1Sam. 15:12-29

Daniel 2:21

Deut 32:7

The Courageous Fast

PROPHECY – Receive the War Mantle

This is what the Lord says; I am restoring the warrior mantle upon My sons and daughters after the order of the mighty men of David. I am raising for Myself an army of spiritual warriors. I will undergird you with strength. I will instill in you a spirit of boldness and courage. My warrior bride will break through the enemy lines and assault the gates of hell and take back what has been stolen from this generation. I will place on you my zeal and passion for My Kingdom. Do not shrink back. War with Me in the arena of prayer. War with Me in worship and declare My word with boldness. I will put perseverance inside of you. You will scatter the powers of darkness and break demonic rule over territories. Receive My mantle.


WORD – Don’t Fight Alone

“He awoke from his sleep and thought, “I’ll go out as before and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the Lord had left him.” Judges 16:20


Israel had been in distress before the birth of Samson. God sent an angel to announce his birth to his parents. His birth was not so much for their sake, but for Israel’s sake. Their son, Samson, was to be a deliverer and was called from his mother’s womb. As Samson grew, he experienced the power of God upon his life. But the power was not in his hair, neither was it in his muscles. It was not a physical fitness program that made Samson strong. It went beyond the physical. The power that came on Samson was because of his vow to God. Keeping his hair long was only a sign of his consecration. Samson’s supernatural strength was unmatched. No army or enemy was able to defeat him.


As long as Samson was obedient to his vow, God kept His part of the bargain. But Samson missed it. Seduction from Delilah weakened him to surrender the secret source of his strength. When Samson married Delilah, he sealed his downfall. Delilah was determined to ruin him. For Samson, the weakness in his heart was stronger than the strength in his body. Although he could strangle a lion, he couldn’t deal with his burning lust. He failed to see the real deadly Delilah.


Delilah wore Samson out, tricked him and cut his hair. The minute that happened, his strength left him. He had broken the vow. The anointing and power departed from him. Samson had disobeyed the mandate and failed in the assignment delivered to him. When his hair was clipped, Samson rose to fight but did not know the Lord had left him. He was too weak to defend himself. He had betrayed himself and God and he paid dearly for his sin.


Rather than kill him, the Philistines captured and plucked his eyes out. Blinded and without strength, he was taken to prison. Meanwhile, Delilah walked away with her cash prize from the Philistines.


One of Samson’s problems was that he walked all alone. He felt no need for others. Samson was completely isolated. We must fear isolation especially when surrounded by enemies. The enemy will attempt to separate you from others in order to destroy you. We need people to help keep us on the straight and narrow. Samson did not see the need for that kind of help.



We need to be connected in a community where we can be on alert together for the dangers that surround us. God sends people to us to walk alongside us, encourage and strengthen us in our walk with him.



I Need You to Survive by Hezekiah Walker





1 John 4:7-8

The Courageous Fast